Prospect Cottage, Dungeness
A Modern Nature Walk in the footsteps of great gardeners and artists (disabled accessible toilets at the visitor centre, free parking at Lighthouse)
Derek Jarman, Jordan sounds from Jubilee, Chris Lloyd
Best heard on the boardwalk
Start at Prospect Cottage with sea in front of you. Go right along the sea road, The Fish Shack on your left for a delicious snack. Continue toward the old lighthouse (keep this to your right). Walk past the black rubber house (Simon Conder Assoc.) on your left. Keep walking parallel to the beach past small fishing huts, shipping containers, until you find a boardwalk which gives you easy access to the shingle beach and sea views. Look for seakale. Viper’s Bugloss, Sea Campion, Horned Poppies and Rest-harrow. All of these plants are in Derek’s garden but they are all also to be found in the landscape.
Lamb House, Rye
Radclyffe Hall
A preamble around Rye
Radclyffe Hall, Henry James
Best heard in the churchyard or museum gardens.
Start at the eastern end High St, Rye aka Tilling by the Landgate, walk up Hilders Cliff toward the lookout (opposite Rye Lodge Hotel) which was commissioned by EF Benson when he was mayor, for a view of the marsh and River Rother. Continue along the High St to find Radclyffe Hall’s house on your right, which has a green plaque on it. Next, turn up Lion St to find St Mary’s church where you can see a window dedicated to EF Benson’s brother. You are now inside the walls of the medieval citadel, walk to the right of the church onto West St to find Lamb House where both H James and EF Benson lived. Return back up West St with St Mary’s church on your left and you arrive at Watchbell St. Turn right to find the Catholic church St Anthony of Padua where there is a beautiful golden rood cross and a memorial to Mabel Batten on the floor below it both commissioned by Radclyffe Hall.
Ramble walk from Rye to Playden avoids main roads.
EF Benson, Edward Burra, Bessie Smith
Best heard sitting in Rye cemetery.
Rye train station exit onto The Grove, go past Rye College on your right and look for path accessible from Love Lane leading to Rye Cemetary (///welfare.installs.adjusting) where you can find EF Benson’s tomb, continue on the path toward Rye Hill cross the road at Kings Head Inn and follow path opposite the pub. When the path divides take the left fork northwards over Mill Road and bearing left you reach Playden churchard (///drifter.manager.stickler) where you will find the grave of Edward Burra.
Virginia Woolf and Ethel Smyth
Amble/short trail disabled accessible, (although some uneven ground).
Edy, Chris, Tony (churchyard), Ethel Smyth, Oscar Wilde, Virginia & Vita (summer house).
Smallhythe Place (///assembles.snacks.haunts), park at the museum, access through the museum gate, tea at the museum cafe to look at suffragette banner, go through orchard and take a look in the summerhouse, through the gate next to summer house into the churchyard to view memorial stone of Edy, Chris and Tony.
As part of Modern Nature Trail, we commissioned Margate Pride to make some copy portraits inspired by local LGBTQ+ artists and writers such as Virginia, Vita, Edy, Oscar with or without pets!
Thank you to photographer and sitters; Alex, Amy, Dapper Blonde, Jarred, Kandiss, Lennie, Mia, Nell, Ray and Lo Lo.