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Radclyffe Hall who wrote The Well of Loneliness the first expression of lesbian identity which was condemned  and not published until after  the author's death.. In this image which is a black and white portrait she is holding a small black dog possi

Modern Nature trail

trail research - local historians and multi-media practitioners working with volunteers to develop new trails for sites located around the villages of Smallhythe, Rye & Dungeness. We want to engage local people by providing practical training in historical research, digital skills and LGBQT+ heritage and history.

mapping and accessibility - maps and audio guides will be made available online to reach local and worldwide audiences, these can be downloaded to mobile phones or portable media players. We aim to train volunteers in tour guiding and specialist leadership skills and involve them in organising specialist community group tours

walking & listening - trail routes will give a walking tour of key local heritage sites There will be options for short ambles to longer rambles. Research information, maps and playlists will be available as downloads but also as hard copies in mobile Looker’s huts located at the beginning and end of the trails.
